

One of the aims of this blog is to promote travels around Italy. It is now a goal that becomes even more important as this summer, as we all know, will be anomalous.

Traveling has many benefits even in our daily routine: even when we come back from a simple weekend away, we are less stressed.

When we are on holiday we are more creative, as we break our mental patterns: we don’t have to set our alarm, we have lunch just when we are really hungry and we drink coffee for the pleasure of enjoying it.

Those who have a strictly organized routine learn easier to develop problem-solving skills: everyone will have re-made plans because of unexpected events. From bad weather to sudden strikes, to a few too many glasses the night before the trip that prevented us from hearing the alarm.

On holiday, you can easily change your habits: the ones who dress formally and impeccably often allow themselves casual clothes, or on the contrary, those who are more casual during the year show off more worldly looks.

When we travel, of course, we have the chance to increase our cultural background.

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Traveling– PhotoCredit: @Tonio di Carlo

The writer Henry Miller said that in travel the destination “is never a place, but a new way of seeing things”. And then, think of the great Robin Williams, who plays Professor Keating in “The fleeting moment” standing on the chair to tell us to look at things from different angles, from new perspectives.

Discovering art, culture, and beauty in new places is something that enriches us: when we return from a trip, souvenirs are only a very small part of what we carry with us.

Tasting local kitchens, for example, means exploring new products and recipes, that we can repeat at home to amaze friends at dinner. Matching the wines of the area means discovering philosophies and values hidden behind a territory, but also the incredible history of geology: a vineyard can tell us the evolution of a land over the centuries!

Reading history books or studying the masterpieces of art through photographs will never make us fully understand what we are talking about: only by admiring the colors of the Sistine Chapel or the softness of the lines and the colors of the Birth of Venus we could understand how proud we should be to have had Michelangelo and Botticelli in our country.

Being born in Italy is a privilege: it has incredible panoramas and an invaluable heritage that we must explore, protect, and promote.

Hanging out in Rome reminds us of what the Roman Empire did. Taking photos at the sea of Maddalena and Salento reminds us to protect the planet and start living according to a greener philosophy.

Traveling can educate us to better behaviors: we are all indignant when we see dirty beaches, with cigarette butts and waste on the ground. Despite this indignation many people will go on throwing the cigarettes out of the window, or the chewing gum in the meadows. If we all learned to correct our behavior and to see the consequences of our actions from other perspectives, the world would certainly be better.

Finally, Italy is a mosaic of different cultures and ways of life, with different philosophies and attitudes from region to region: from every place we can collect small pearls of wisdom, through local proverbs and tales of some elderly manager of bars or restaurants.

Never stop learning something new, therefore never stop traveling!

Written by Mattia Gelosa

Read also The right company for a new way to travel


Scritto da Vincenzo Girasoli

Una vita ad immaginare e costruire un futuro che non è mai stato così chiaro e limpido. Fatto di emozioni inesauribili alla vista dei colori che questo mio Paese sa ogni giorno regalarmi. Ho viaggiato, senza mai stancarmi, per poi fermarmi dinanzi al blu del mio Mediterraneo. Lì capire che qualcosa di grande e profondo, intenso e meraviglioso, stava accadendomi; e che non mi sarei mai più fermato. Tuffandomi in quel mare sapevo che non avrei più potuto tornare indietro. Al contempo sapevo che i brividi che mi percorrevano sarebbero stati i vostri. E che insieme avremmo corso sempre più veloce verso qualcosa di puro, autentico, genuino, felice. Qualcosa che con orgoglio chiamo Idressitalian.

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