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How and where to photograph Milan to get the most likes

How and where to photograph Milan to get the most likes according to @Idressitalian

How and where to photograph Milan – Taking photos that will secure you hundreds, if not thousands of likes on Instagram, is not simple. Even harder is, consequentially, increasing the number of followers. However, if you start by posting pictures of great quality, things come naturally, likes, comments and followers in a vicious circle that, if properly structured, will never stop. Strong with the experience we have on social networks with Idressitalian, we decided to share some of our precious secrets that, without a doubt, will attract likes for your photos of the most beautiful places of Italy. Lets start with Milan and, if you don’t believe me, click the button below to find out >


How and where to photograph Milan

The most enchanting place from which you can gaze a the sunrise is the Duomo. Wait for the Sun to be high between Palazzo Reale and the Duomo, then take a picture. The sky has to be light, tinted of pink and the square empty. It is the rise of a new day, in all its beauty. Make sure that when you share the photo on Instagram, the brightness must be at 60 and saturation at 20. The photo is perfect for an explosion of likes. Absolutely no filters, NO FILTERS! Continue reading clicking the button below >


How and where to photograph Milan

The breakfast you want to photograph is the one served at Marchesi in the Galleria. Order at the counter, prices are great! A San Pellefrino, cappuccino, a coffee, two croissant (tot max 8 euro) and put them on the last table on the right, or at the central one. Take a photo and your followers will thank you with so many likes. Continue reading clicking the button below >


How and where to photograph Milan
How and where to photograph Milan

Coffee or capuccinos are another element loved in photos, especially if there are the Duomo or the Galleria in the background. You can photograph it from the windows of Marchesi in Galleria or from Terrazza Duomo 21. Important: Marchesi in the morning, Duomo 21 the afternoon in order for you to have sunlight in your favor and in order for more than perfect photos. Yes, because photos against light have never been very popular. Continue reading clicking the button below >


How and where to photograph Milan

Nothing is more attractive than pizza at Sorbillo. In good company, frame it perfectly, don’t cut any sides out and leave a bit of space on the left and on the right. Remember: veritcal photos! Above all, choose a nice bufalina with a mozzarella in the middle. BOOM! Full of calories and likes. Brilliant. And if you’re not feeling pizza, then go for a Cotoletta at Trattoria Amici Miei. Same thing: San Pellegrino, squared table cloth (very Italian) and photograph vertically this nice elephant’s ear (just so you can imagine the size of the cotoletta!). Continue reading clicking the button below >


How and where to photograph Milan

The perfect aperitif is called Aperol Spritz, nothing more than an Aperol Spritz because, you have to know, in marketing, orange is a winning color. With orange you buy, you sell and you win. Always. Also, the Spritz is the most famous and loved Italian cocktail in the world. So, what better place than the Aperol Terrazza in front of the Duomo? Two rules: the photo must be taken from the left side of the terrace in order to see all of the Duomo and always with two full glasses (not used). Understood? You will see for yourself. Continue reading clicking the button below >


How and where to photograph Milan
How and where to photograph Milan

On top of the Duomo, as soon as you step out of the lift, you will find yourself in the same position of the photo above. Wait for the sun to be in the middle of the guglie and take a photo. It’s a guaranteed boom of likes. If not happy, go where the statue of Mary is and look left, frame the galleria and boom part 2. If still not satisfied, the next day go on the Naviglio Grande, on the bridge opposite the LIBRACCIO and look at the beauty of Milan reflected on water with a red sunset shining at the horizon. Continue reading clicking the button below >


How and where to photograph Milan

The castle is as vein and beautiful as the family who had it build, the Sforza family for your information. But how many photos of the castle with that fountain do we see everyday? Too many, that is why you want to present something different. Go at the beginning of Via Dante, slightly after the TIM shop while the sun is setting, take a photo and enjoy the compliments. The entrance to the “like” park is offered by Vincenzo. Continue reading clicking the button below >


How and where to photograph Milan
How and where to photograph Milan

La Galleria has to be photographed in the evening or, even better, at night, when nobody is there. And it must be photographed from above. How? This is something nobody knows: go from Duomo 21, before the bathrooms, you will notice a window with a balcony over the galleria. Go ahead, it’s not forbidden and there you are, you will have all the galleria underneath you. Vertical photo so that you can be precise and include both roof and the main passage.

Another boom, seeing is believing! If then you want to be protagonists of the photo then head downstairs and go to the stem of the Kingdom of Italy, here in the middle of Prada for women and Vuitton windows, stand in the middle and take a photo, possibly in the morning, so you have better light. You will thank me. Continue reading clicking the button below >


How and where to photograph Milan
How and where to photograph Milan

It should re-named The Like Theatre, yes because it is almost scandalous. Check out the photos up here and see how many likes had a year ago this photo when I had a third of the followers I have today. There’s a precise technical explanation: the selection of where to sit is essential. Never choose the platea or the Gallery; the place you want to be is on the left or the right of the stage.

Sit, facing the stage and allow the magnificence of the theater glimpse in the picture. It is a secure success.  Obviously go long before the show begins, when no one can disturb you and the lights, beautiful, are at maximum intensity. If then you want to do things magnificently, book the central pod and ask your companion to go to the other side and take a picture of you in front of the theater. The outfit is essential. Note that my colors are always coordinated with those of the theater? Detail is difference. ALWAYS. Continue reading clicking the button below > 


How and where to photograph Milan

This is the best and most scandalous place for a great photograph. I challenge you to find somewhere in the world that gains more likes than the ones of the Domo. Because fundamentally, the Duomo is loved by all, young and old, rich and poor, tourists and locals. So, if you want to be the protagonists in the picture, place yourselves about 50 meters after the horse, central not on the side.  No acrobatics like taking pictures from the bottom, the phone must be aligned with your face. You will end up with a half bust photo with everything in it. If you’re not so keen in being at the center of the photo, then go in front of the Benetton shop and frame the entrance to the Galleria and the Duomo. Horizontal picture this time! Just like the one below that I will publish on our Instagram.

How and where to photograph Milan

This photo will go on our Instagram. Are you curious to see how many likes the photo is going to get? Then follow me clicking here.  Following us, you will see with your eyes all the photos I took around Italy during my trips and, why not, choose your favourite.

If videos are your passion, then follow us on Facebook. You will love it, just as much as the other 300.000 people that follow us do from all over the world.

Appreciate beauty, the rest will come by itself.


Scritto da Vincenzo Girasoli

Una vita ad immaginare e costruire un futuro che non è mai stato così chiaro e limpido. Fatto di emozioni inesauribili alla vista dei colori che questo mio Paese sa ogni giorno regalarmi. Ho viaggiato, senza mai stancarmi, per poi fermarmi dinanzi al blu del mio Mediterraneo. Lì capire che qualcosa di grande e profondo, intenso e meraviglioso, stava accadendomi; e che non mi sarei mai più fermato. Tuffandomi in quel mare sapevo che non avrei più potuto tornare indietro. Al contempo sapevo che i brividi che mi percorrevano sarebbero stati i vostri. E che insieme avremmo corso sempre più veloce verso qualcosa di puro, autentico, genuino, felice. Qualcosa che con orgoglio chiamo Idressitalian.

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