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All the benefits of olive oil according to our nutritionist

The benefits of olive oil, from the pipeline till a Calabrian must production

The benefits of olive oil – How often do we hear about the many benefits of olive oil, without being actually told how and why?

Olive oil is known for having beneficial effects and being good for our health. It is extracted from the olive tree – its scientific name being Olea europeae. The main difference between this oil and all the others is that it’s the seed of the olive and not the olive as a fruit that’s used for the extraction. Plus, it’s a procedure that doesn’t involve any chemicals, nor heating of the seeds or the final extract, resulting in a 0,8% acidity level and a 6,5% organoleptic points – thus we have the extra virgin olive oil – EVOO. All those oils that undergo different processes or score different acidity levels cannot be considered (nor labeled nor sold) as extra virgin. Furthermore, since this type of oil is particularly healthy and precious, the olives are pressed right after having been collected from the trees, in order to preserve the freshness and hence the quality.


The olive oil is thus composed:

70-80% oleic acid (unsaturated fat)

4-12% linoleic acid (unsaturated fat)

7-15% palmitic acid (saturated fat)

2-6% stearic acid (saturated fat)

Here’s a secret: the lower the linoleic acid content, the more resistant against oxidation is the oil (which is more resistant, compared to other oils, anyway). Continue reading clicking the below button Next >

The benefits of olive oil – Photo credit:

Nutritional values:

EVOO contains 99% of lipids (composed by the good type of triglycerides composed in turn by fat acids), Vitamin E and Vitamin K, minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, zinc and iron.

And more:

EVOO also contains phenols, flavonols and flavonoids, a variety of acids, carotinoids and chlorophyll (those two give the oil its green color), hydrocarbons, glycols, anthocyanin, aldehydes.


Traditional method:

The olives are collected and washed in order to get rid of soil or leaves. During the milling phase the seed is crushed in order to obtain the oil mixed with vegetation water. Then it’s time for grinding: the olive paste from the phase before is further pressed with the result of “separating” the oil from the water.

Mechanical extraction:

The olive must is separated from the vegetation water through centrifugation. Given the turbidity grade of the resulting liquid, the oil is filtered (either with a machine or simply by being left to rest for a while) in order to become clear and shiny.

Decanter centrifugation and selective filtering:

This is the quickest method of extraction: right after the grinding, the olive paste is mixed with water and undergoes a process of centrifugation that separates said paste into three parts: the solid remnants, the vegetation water and the olive oil. Continue reading clicking the below button Next >

The benefits of olive oil – Photo credit:


EVOO is the key element of the Mediterranean diet, but thanks to scientific studies, today we also know that it can prevent a variety of ailments.

It lowers the level of cholesterol in our blood thanks to the sterols it contains. Plus, the oleic acid and the palmitic acid lower the levels of LDL cholesterol – the bad kind – while supporting the HDL cholesterol, the good kind. According to studies, these substances prevent strokes and heart diseases.

It lowers our blood pressure meaning that the possibility of a heart attack is reduced by 30% . Plus,  polyphenols and Vitamin E are powerful antioxydants, preventing Arteriosclerosis and the aging of our cells.

If fights Artritis and Osteoporosis as proved by recent studies aimed at showing how eating olive oil can actually prevent rheumatism and the weakening of the bones.

It prevents cancer: studies proved how regular consumption of olive oil prevents various forms of cancer, especially breast cancer.

Reduces the risks of Diabetes: the magazine Diabetes Care published an article where the benefits of a diet rich with olive oil reduces the risks of Type 2 Diabetes by 50%

It fights depression as observed during a Spanish study, probably thanks to the unsaturated fats contained in it, some species of fish and some greens.

Reduces the risks of developing Alzheimer according to the magazine Chemical Neuroscience, a substance present in the oil – the one responsible for that feeling of a momentary itch in our throat when we eat raw oil – it’s what would prevent the risk of developing Alzheimer.

It helps the digestion because it cleans the digestive apparatus, keeps the intestines clean and active, preventing constipation.

It protects the blood vessels thanks to polyphenols that strenghten our veins and arteries keeping them elastic – the result is a healthy cardiovascular apparatus.

It stimulates our brain according to a French study that proved how EVOO actually safeguards mnemonic functions and speaking abilities in adults and elders.


Olive oil has always been known as a beauty elixir

Recent studies discovered how the olive oil’s composition resembles that of human sebum. This means that thanks to its beneficial substances such as good fats and Vitamin E, EVOO  – if eaten raw – has an anti-aging effect on our skin, making it healthier, compact and glowy. Additionally, EVOO fight free radicals, inflammations and oxidation caused by stress.

To be continued… don’t miss the second part of this article dedicated to EVOO: next time we’ll tell you how to tell a quality olive oil from a cheap one and illustrate a Calabrian worldwide excellence.

Doctor Hilary di Sibio

Discover more about the Mediterranean Diet clicking here

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Scritto da Vincenzo Girasoli

Una vita ad immaginare e costruire un futuro che non è mai stato così chiaro e limpido. Fatto di emozioni inesauribili alla vista dei colori che questo mio Paese sa ogni giorno regalarmi. Ho viaggiato, senza mai stancarmi, per poi fermarmi dinanzi al blu del mio Mediterraneo. Lì capire che qualcosa di grande e profondo, intenso e meraviglioso, stava accadendomi; e che non mi sarei mai più fermato. Tuffandomi in quel mare sapevo che non avrei più potuto tornare indietro. Al contempo sapevo che i brividi che mi percorrevano sarebbero stati i vostri. E che insieme avremmo corso sempre più veloce verso qualcosa di puro, autentico, genuino, felice. Qualcosa che con orgoglio chiamo Idressitalian.

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