Please avoid Mc Donalds to save money on food. Cities, especially very big ones, tend to trick you when it comes to the price-quality ratio. For this reason, we of Idressitalian have selected the best restaurants with divine food and low prices in many different cities all over Italy (
Non occorre andare al Mc Donald per risparmiare sul cibo. Le città, soprattutto quelle grandi, nascondo grandi tranelli a livello di qualità e soprattutto di conto. Motivo per cui, città per città, noi di Idressitalian abbiamo selezionato i migliori ristoranti dove si mangia da Dio e si spende poco (Here is an example of Rome). Just checkout the website and search for the Italian city you want to visit and there you go! In general, however, do not dine in the main touristy places, all you actually have to do is wander around the smaller alleys usually perpendicular to the main streets. Continue reading clicking the button below >