When travelling in Non-Eu countries, my biggest advice is to mainly use your credit7debit card. This because Visa and Mastercard usually apply the official exchange rate. Or at least, most banks do. Remember that abroad you can pay practically anything with your card. Obviously, try to always have some amount of local currency with you.
However, never, and I stress NEVER, exchange your money in airports or train stations, fees are ridiculous. If you need to, change them in your city at the local bank. In Italy, changing euros to anything else is best to do in Poste Italiane or Banca Intersa, or in the bureau of exchange around the city. Before changing your money though, compare the bureaus around you and choose the most convenient. Small secret, if there is a casino in the city you are in, that is the best place to exchange your money (as long as you do not the loose it all!) Continue reading clicking the button below >