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Vincenzo Grillo: Interview with the Italian fashion photographer

Vincenzo Grillo
Vincenzo Grillo


Do your Calabrian origins influence how you work?

There is no doubt that my motherland was my starting point, in every sense. I seize the occasion to go back home every time it presents itself. A couple of years ago I managed to move the campaign of a swimwear brand from Miami: the photo shoot was originally meant to take place in LA, but we ended up on the Coast of the Gods in Calabria. It turned out to be terribly expensive for me too, but I felt it was important to include Calabria in the pictures – I believe this episode fully explains how much Calabria means to me and how it actively influences my work.

How has your style evolved through the years?

Thankfully, I got better in time. When they first offered me to take pictures of Street Style, I was one of the few professionals working with that particular fashion style and I felt I wasn’t quite up to the task. I felt so self-conscious. Years went by and today it feels natural to me.

Are there places of Milan you loved particularly?

I like the Navigli area and Brera. The modern Gae Aulenti Square is pretty popular these days, but I admit I prefer taking pictures of Milan’s old area.

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Scritto da Vincenzo Girasoli

Una vita ad immaginare e costruire un futuro che non è mai stato così chiaro e limpido. Fatto di emozioni inesauribili alla vista dei colori che questo mio Paese sa ogni giorno regalarmi. Ho viaggiato, senza mai stancarmi, per poi fermarmi dinanzi al blu del mio Mediterraneo. Lì capire che qualcosa di grande e profondo, intenso e meraviglioso, stava accadendomi; e che non mi sarei mai più fermato. Tuffandomi in quel mare sapevo che non avrei più potuto tornare indietro. Al contempo sapevo che i brividi che mi percorrevano sarebbero stati i vostri. E che insieme avremmo corso sempre più veloce verso qualcosa di puro, autentico, genuino, felice. Qualcosa che con orgoglio chiamo Idressitalian.

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