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For every mood the right song – Who, when and what to listen to

Here is a list of those symphonies, among many possible, that intercept very effectively the 7 emotions.

For every mood the right song
For every mood the right song. Photo credit

MELANCHOLY: Mi ritorni in mente – Lucio Battisti

The songs are full of expectations and what we tend to wait for it is above all, love. A man still in love does not stop to think about who has betrayed him following a perhaps accidental meeting. “I return to mind” brings back the memory of that woman who is in all his dreams.

JOY: Bella – Jovanotti

Joy is linked to life, to birth and rebirth. Here, too, no doubt about the choice of the song: Bella. Jovanotti has a very pleasant sound where text is definitely simple, but at the same time significantly. It is a dedication of love to his woman in a set of metaphors and thoughts that give values to her figure. So a happy song that expresses harmony, positivity, optimism and love.

ANGER: Resta in ascolto – Laura Pausini

Anger is one of the dominant emotions in the rock. He listens for Laura Pausini marks a change of musician that appears aggressive; the text is a private diary, suffered, shamelessly sincere. “We regret the things that you lost forever now,” he shouted a rematch.

SADNESS: Gocce di memoria – Giorgia

Sadness is the emotion described and sung in all its aspects: provoked by a missed love or the pain due to a loss. The song is based on the memory of a loved one who died prematurely. The “tears” that run down her face retrace the moments lived together becoming just “memory chips.” Even if the person to whom you were bound no longer exists, nothing can erase what has been and still live in the heart of those who remain.

LOVE: Una lunga storia d’amore – Gino Paoli

A very popular theme is almost always love which is the main vehicle of everything. “Pretend you never leave me / even if it has to end sooner or later, this long love story / hour is already late but it soon if you leave” where Paul does not explain why it can not last, let us imagine it. Moreover, “it is now late if you leave” almost to say everything is possible. Life is like a novel: it begins and ends all the time and the story that is told is repeated endlessly. It is an eternal return where life is a waltz.

FEAR: Simphony N.9 – Mov.2 – Ludwig Van Beethoven

More specifically the fear that telling, music is an effective means to underline the anxiety and tension. It is told well in the beginning of the second movement of Beethoven’s Ninth. A track pressing of controlled insanity. It not by chance was used by Kubrick in A Clockwork Orange.

DISGUST: Ma che bontà – Mina

It is usually difficult to find it in a song. Mina has done it in one word, the last of the song specifically, to reveal, with humor, the deep disgust. Continue reading clicking  >

Scritto da Vincenzo Girasoli

Una vita ad immaginare e costruire un futuro che non è mai stato così chiaro e limpido. Fatto di emozioni inesauribili alla vista dei colori che questo mio Paese sa ogni giorno regalarmi. Ho viaggiato, senza mai stancarmi, per poi fermarmi dinanzi al blu del mio Mediterraneo. Lì capire che qualcosa di grande e profondo, intenso e meraviglioso, stava accadendomi; e che non mi sarei mai più fermato. Tuffandomi in quel mare sapevo che non avrei più potuto tornare indietro. Al contempo sapevo che i brividi che mi percorrevano sarebbero stati i vostri. E che insieme avremmo corso sempre più veloce verso qualcosa di puro, autentico, genuino, felice. Qualcosa che con orgoglio chiamo Idressitalian.

#Idressitaliantour – La Calabria come non l’avete mai vista

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