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    Best places for skiing in Italy

    Best places for skiing in Italy according to Idressitalian Best places for skiing in Italy  – December is upon us and our team can already hear all you lovers of Winter sports wondering: has it snowed yet? Where? While we wait for this glistering, soft flakes to fall and color the world white, we could […] Continua

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    Discover Milan – 10+1 places you cannot miss

    Discover Milan – The city you do not expect Discover Milan – It is the kind of city that welcomes people like a mother would even with those who aren’t her very own children and nurtures them. Milan’s Madonnina protects the metropolis below her and when the light shines right, you can see the statue blinking from the […] Continua

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    September holidays in Italy – Top 7 Hotels

    September holidays in Italy – Where to go according to Idressitalian It may come as a surprise, but September is actually the month when Italy is at its best. The clearest skies on the mountains or crystal clear sea waters, a general feeling of relax and last but not least, cheaper prices. Should you decide […] Continua

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    6 secrets of Palermo you would never expect

    6 secrets of Palermo that few in the world know 6 secrets of Palermo – “Cities, like dreams, are made of dreams and fears, even though they thread secretly, following impossible rules and deceitful perspectives. Everything conceals something else.” Italo Calvino, Invisible cities Tourists love Palermo, yet almost no one really knows it, its one-of-a-kind […] Continua

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    The most beautiful villages in Sardinia – TOP 5

    The most beautiful villages in Sardinia according to Idressitalian You’re traveling and while heading for the right destination, you fancy a little detour, take the other turn in the road and proceed to happily explore the wonderful, hidden place you’ve chanced to find. That’s what we did in Sardinia, a land full of history and […] Continua

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    TOP 5 romantic places in Palermo to live at least once in a lifetime

    Top 5 romantic places in Palermo for an unforgettable experience Top 5 romantic places in Palermo – The spot where the main city of Sicily stands has been inhabited ever since the dawn of times. Today, Palermo’s beauty is characterized by stark contrasts which in turn create a romantic atmosphere. Palermo is a unique place, full […] Continua

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    10 secrets of Turin you would never expect

    10 secrets of Turin almost no one knows Turin has always fascinated me, so full of history, legends and with its contradictions. Turin is part of our history, the Italian History. Turin was the first capital of the newly born Italy, then the title went to Florence and finally to Rome in 1870. Italian television […] Continua

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    Top 10 seaside clubs in Italy you cannot miss

    Top 10 seaside clubs in Italy according to Idressitalian There was the time of the rounds on the sea. Then, it was the time for big discos and clubs, on beaches, on promontories, even hollowed out of the rock on the most famous cliffs. Italy is an irresistible country for its “dolce vita”, and the […] Continua

  • Mantua


    Mantua, a jump between her wonders Mantua, the city of Lombardy vaunted by Dante in the canto XX of his Divine Comedy, motherland of Virgilio, the same Mantua that, up to today, is part of the World’s heritage of Unesco for its Renaissance beauty, it’s history, it’s art. The point in which three regions are […] Continua

  • Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo
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    How many times I found myself alone in front of the window of an airplane to think, think, think. I always had a fixed idea: how to make big and strong my baby. This is the second Christmas for Idressitalian and my heart is full of joy and pride. Maybe It is because of the […] Continua

  • Leonardo


    Leonardo Da Vinci in France: a wonderful discovery. « as a well spent day gives happy sleep, so a well used life gives an happy death » Never so much prophetic words could accompany my article. And I was walking, disappointed by rain, fascinated by my surroundings. It is told with historical certainty that today where […] Continua

  • cavalleria rusticana in calabria


    Cavalleria Rusticana: discovering the Norman Castle of Stilo, between past and present. I would like to start analysing these two words. Cavalleria is a noble and generous behavior, typical of feudal knights; rusticana indicates the knights’ behaviour that is relived by the peasants of the countryside. A noble soul like the one of Turiddo in love with Lola in the […] Continua